Monday 4 February 2019

Maths Update: Properties of 2D & 3D shapes

Through looking at examples around the house (toys, packaging etc) and consolidating their knowledge with a couple of worksheets, the girls now:

- can explain what a polygon and quadrilateral are

- know that vertices mean corners and count them on a shape

- know what an edge and face are and count them on a shape

- can distinguish between straight and curved edges and faces

- can identify cones and square based pyramids, along with spheres, cylinders, cubes, cuboids, triangular based pyramids and triangular prisms (from a while ago!)

- know what a prism is and give examples (M said a banana isn't a prism because the ends are pointy but if you just cut the middle bit it is because it's like a cylinder!)

- can sort shapes based on their number of faces, edges and vertices

Next time we look at shape, I plan to cover symmetry with them inshaAllah. 💪

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