Wednesday 7 November 2018

Planting Tulips

My parents gave us some tulip bulbs as a souvenir from their mini break to Amsterdam. There were 8 bulbs in the pack, and we had 4 pots (one for each girl!), so the twins worked out they could plant 2 bulbs in each pot... They could do their own, and Mama could plant the baby's for her. 😁

The twins had gardening gloves (bought last year!) whilst the toddler didn't... So the former used their hands to put the compost in whilst the latter used a trowel - and we reused the compost from the dwarf beans we had planted in the Summer. The girls, MashaAllah, remembered which way up to plant the bulbs from their time at the allotments and knew how to half fill the pot with compost, make a well for the bulbs to go inside root way down, then cover them up with more compost.

When they were done, I arranged the pots in age order (left to right) against the fence which gets most sun in the garden. Insha'Allah they'll bloom in the Spring without any more work from us!

Whilst in the garden (we've not played in it since the end of Summer, really) we noticed some sunflowers had grown in the grass! We planted sunflowers last February and really looked after them - watering them daily and weeding the area around them on a consistent basis. The sunflowers which grew last year were taller than the fence, MashaAllah! And the girls were really proud of them. 🌻🌻 We didn't plant any this year since our youngest was born in July, yet somehow some sunflowers had grown... How? The girls worked out some seeds must have fallen from our old plants and planted themselves in the soil! When the shoots and leaves grew in Autumn, they looked familiar... So we asked Papa to mow around them when he did the grass. Now it was almost Winter they had finally grown heads and we were right to have guessed they might have been sunflowers! But these sunflowers were nowhere near the size of our old ones... Why? Because we didn't look after them! So this was a good lesson in the importance of weeding and watering. 👌

They did actually bloom not long after, but I forgot to take any photos of them before they died. 🙈

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