* They can find a variety of ways of making the same total by using different combinations of coins.
* They know that the number of coins and the worth of the coins can be two different things, i.e. three 5p coins are worth less than one 20p coin.
* They can solve simple addition and subtraction problems involving money as both numerical sums and word problems.
* They understand how to find the total price for items on a shopping list by referring to a price list.
* They can calculate the money leftover in their purse after buying something and the change they would be given depending on what they spend.
* They know the meanings of the words: cheap, expensive, good/poor value for money, quality.
We learnt the above through a combination of conversations (especially while out shopping), playing with real coins, playing with toy money, role play as customers/shop keepers (we built a shop out of Duplo and wrote out a price list for the things inside), completing worksheets.
The toy money we had was on sale a while ago and I bought it without thinking... Upon opening it, it turned out all the coins were the same grey colour. 😒 Although all the correct denominations were there along with notes... So after looking at some real money from my purse, I asked the girls what was wrong with the toy money we had? Some of the coins were the wrong colour! To which F then said, "We can just paint them brown and gold." 😍
So we did. 👍
And the toddler did a painting of her own while the elder two were busy painting coins. 😀😀

It kept her busy (until she became bored and went to play with Lego instead!) whilst at the same time not getting in her sisters' way since it was actually helping them to find the coins they needed quicker... And she managed to do it too, MashaAllah, even if she didn't know what each coin's worth was. It was still famliarising herself with the different coins. 👍
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