Sunday 3 September 2017

Target Criterion sheets


As mentioned in the blog info, I'm loosely following the National Curriculum - just for my own peace of mind that we're on the right track and we've covered similar (if not the same) content as their peers in school.

A quick Google search is all you need to find the latest version of the NC, but I find it more useful to have each target spaced out individually with room to comment on progress for each child... So I basically did just that by copying into an Excel spreadsheet. There are 2 columns as I have twins, but you can quite easily edit it as you please. I use the triangle system of assessing progress: one side of the triangle shows a basic awareness, two sides for some understanding and a complete triangle for solid understanding. I like having a record of dates so I can revisit topics in a sensible order; I'm not going down the lists in order but picking and choosing depending on what overall topic the girls are interested in at the time.

I've included Year 1 targets along with Reception so I could get an idea of future expectations in Literacy and Numeracy.

Targets for Science don't exist at Reception level, so I decided to jump in at Year 1 and cover what we can. The beauty of home education is in the flexibility - I imagine this is one subject we might stay a year "ahead" in for a while...

The Islamic Studies targets I made up as a minimum of what I want to cover this year - there's so much to choose from this will just help to keep us a little focused insha'Allah!

The Arabic targets were inspired by the NC Literacy targets (as I want to encourage their English/Arabic reading/writing to progress at a similar rate) and also by the Madinah Reader Book 1, since that's the textbook we're working from. In terms of vocabulary, they've already picked up other things from e.g. YouTube and an Arabic club we attend, so once again it's more a guideline than anything else.

As always, feel free to use and edit as you please. I hope the sheets are beneficial to someone aside from myself!

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