Sunday 7 January 2018

Naming Deciduous and Evergreen Trees

To finish off our topic on trees, I made a worksheet for them to sort 10 different trees into either deciduous or evergeen and then identify each tree by name by looking in a book.

We used the RSPB First Book of Trees (we found ours in our local charity shop for 49p!) as a reference point, which linked in with our work on non-fiction texts and using "fact books" to find information.

After cutting everything out, they began by sorting the pictures into deciduous or evergreen by focusing on the leaves - looking at their colour and shape. After they glued the pictures into the correct boxes, they took it in turns to look through the book for each name and try and match it to a picture. I deliberately chose photos which resembled the ones in the book to make it easier. 😛 So they read the relevant page out loud, looked at the images and compared what was there to what was on their sheet. Then they glued the label next to the correct picture.

They found the trees in the book either by using the Contents page or just by flicking through the pages - which led to a discussion into the benefits of having a Contents page!

You can download the worksheet here.

Since doing this work, it's been interesting to see the girls point out familiar trees by name when we're out and about, or ask to check if they've guessed correctly: "Is this a holly???" 😁😁

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