Wednesday 24 January 2018

Prophet Ibraheem (AS) - 03 - Breaking the Idols

We continued reading about Prophet Ibraheem (AS) in the Migo & Ali book (pages 28-29) and discussed it as we went along. We stopped at the part just before the people decide to throw Prophet Ibraheem (AS) into the fire.

I drew an axe onto a piece of plain paper, one for each girl. I told them the handle was made from wood and the head from either stone or metal, so what colours do they think we needed? They decided brown for the handle and grey for the head. We ripped up some brown paper into small pieces then I asked them if they could think of a good material for the head... After some prompting they came up with kitchen foil because it was shiny like metal. 😀 Then we ripped some tin foil into small pieces too.

I demonstrated how they could "colour in" the axe using our ripped pieces of paper and foil and told them this kind of art is called a collage. They used PVA glue (a little watered down) and brushes to stick everything on and to paint a thin layer of glue over the top. They were a bit worried about putting white glue on top but I told them it would dry clear and shiny. 😂

When everything was dry I cut the axes out and they did a bit of role play, pretending to chop things down with their axes! Then we stuck them onto A4 card and they wrote a short summary of that part of the story.

For this exercise I told them to spell the words as best as they could, rather than me dictating correct spellings. I quite like this one's spelling of "idol". 😂

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