Wednesday 28 March 2018

Sorting Animals via a Two-Way Table

As mentioned in this post, we repeated the sorting activity using a different location: this time the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park. Our trip to the zoo is still being postponed for better weather (assuming we go in a couple of months it'll serve as good revision insha'Allah 😂) so this was a nice small-scale version of that! You'll notice the rows only have 3 of the 5 classifications as they were the only ones on display. We spent around half a day there, with a picnic and play in the playground, and that was more than enough time to see all the animals at a leisurely pace.

I picked up some of the free leaflets in the foyer and along with some others I had been keeping from the local library, the girls had a large selection of cut-out pictures to choose from. They had to think whether the animal was one they had seen on the day (i.e. they couldn't use the picture of the rhino!) - which was good for memory as we did this activity about a week after we visited - and then sort them into the correct box depending on their classification and diet. This activity was noticeably quicker than the last time we did it, showing their understanding in all areas had had time to solidify... Especially in terms of reading the table and knowing what each box meant!

Meanwhile, our two-year-old chose whichever picture she liked from the pile and made a collage of animals on coloured card - practising her gluing skills, spatial awareness (she didn't want to have them overlapping!) and naming each animal she chose. 👌

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