Tuesday 28 January 2020


Working more on sentence level skills, I made a set of conjunctions cards for the twins (print, cut, laminate, cut!). Loosely based on the old QCA framework and posters of writing levels found on Google, I've colour coded the words by level of expected use... At the moment we're just looking at the red, orange and some of the green words (i.e. Levels 1-3).

Using our 19 chosen words, we laid them out on the table and put them in a simple sentence one by one. When we were done, I asked the twins if they could group the conjunctions by words with similar meanings/purposes (e.g. cause and effect, opposition, time, etc.). With some extra questioning, they came up with the groups below.

On a piece of A3 paper I wrote the title for them to colour, then laminated it. Using blu-tack, they then helped arrange the conjunction cards onto the poster. We now have it on display next to our whiteboard. 😊

The plan is to add to the poster as they learn new conjunctions (so the freedom is there to rearrange the cards!), have the poster there as a reference point while doing extended writing, and to take cards off and have them stuck on the table in front of them when we're doing focused work on that particular conjunction/sentence structure. InshaAllah!

You can download the file here.

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