Wednesday 5 February 2020

99 Names of Allah - 13 - Al-Baari' - The Producer

[13] اَلْبَارِئُ (Al-Baari'): The Producer

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Sing 99 Names (5min)
Play PowerPoint of the first 33 names, 2-3 times. Sing together and do the actions so far plus:

Today’s focus is on the name Al-Baari' which means The Producer. 

Story relating to today's name (7min)
Read a short story to the children relating to a plant or animal's life cycle, e.g. Christopher Nibble or Growing Frogs.

Talk about where the new seeds/babies came from at a level suitable for the children's age and understanding (i.e. mature organisms produce offspring which in turn grow and mature; no need to go into the details of reproduction requiring a male and female!).

Discuss meaning, apply to children's lives (15min)
Al-Baari' means The Producer.

Last time we learnt about Al-Khaaliq - what does that name mean? That Allah is The Creator, He can make something out of nothing. The closest we can get to being creators is when we think of a new idea, but remember even that is only because of Allah's permission.

Al-Baari' means The Producer. What does it mean to produce something? It means to make something... It's a bit similar to creating something.

Let's use building a house as an example, like we did with blocks last time. The first step is to have the idea to build the house - to have the idea and to imagine what it's going to look like. That first step is similar to Al-Khaaliq, creating something from nothing. That would be the job of the architect.

The next step is to actually build the house. This step is like Al-Baari', producing something which wasn't there before. For us, we need to use materials which already exist, like wood and cement and glass, to turn them into the new thing we want, like a house. That would be the job of the builder, not the architect. But for Allah, He can just produce things from nothing! He has both the names Al-Khaaliq and Al-Baari' to show that he does both the jobs of the architect and the builder (and the electrician and the plumber and everything else you can think of!) - He doesn't need any help in creating something.

So Al-Baari' is the actual making of something. Allah produces the plants and the animals. He created the first ones from nothing and now the ones we see nowadays are produced only by Allah's will. We know that Allah created everything, but we know that we can grow plants from seeds and animals have babies... Did Allah create those seeds and babies too? Yes! But not in the same way as He created the first of everything.

E.g. Where do chickens come from? Eggs. Where did that egg come from? A chicken. Where did that chicken come from? An egg... And so on and so on... Where did the first chicken come from then? Allah created it!

So Allah makes everything - either directly, like the Earth and the mountains etc., or indirectly, like the plants and animals we see today. Things are only made by Allah's permission.

Craft activity (20min)
Complete the page for the book. Talk about how this name means the actual making of something, like a builder builds a house.

Use craft materials and glue to make a collage of a house, e.g. strips of cardboard, newspaper cuttings, cellophane, etc.

When to use this name (8min)
Allah produces everything we see around us, even the man-made things such as a book - Allah didn't make it in the same way as he made the sun, but he made all the things the book is made out of... The paper came from trees, the ink came from oils and pigments (natural colours) etc. The idea came from a person's imagination and who made the person? So everything can be followed back like a chain to Allah making it.

If we want to make something - maybe we want to write our own book or design our own machine, a car, a toy, a computer or whatever it is - we can remember Allah as Al-Baari', the Producer, and make dua to Him to help us and to thank Him for giving us the idea. Anything we make is just changing something Allah has already made into something else.

On the back of their page, help the children write a few thoughts about the name Al-Baari' and their feelings.

Sticker chart (5min)
Ask individually: Which of Allah’s names did we learn today? What does it mean? Give children a sticker each for their chart.


Other activities:

- Look at the life cycles of a plant, e.g. a sunflower and/or an animal e.g. a chicken (these are common organisms covered in the KS1 Science NC) in more detail. Have the different stages drawn/printed out and have the children arrange them into a loop.

- Help the children draw their family tree. Talk about how our ancestors go back all the way to the first man, Prophet Adam (AS), who Allah created Himself. (Ask the children if they can think of any other prophet who Allah made without (both) parents? i.e. Eesa (AS)!)

- Make a 3D model of a house using craft materials such as lolly sticks and glue. Talk about the effort it takes to build and how Allah can just make things from nothing with no difficulty at all!

- Read a book such as A Day with the Animal Builders, which shows the many different jobs required to build a house. Talk about how Allah does all those jobs Himself and how He just needs to say, "Be," to create something from nothing.

- Research how common items are produced in a factory (there are many videos on YouTube on this topic!). Talk about how each part of the production line is its own specific job, whereas for Allah He can do all of it all at once.

Please leave a comment if you know of any other activities related to this name!

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