Saturday 7 October 2017

99 Names of Allah - 02 - Ar-Rahmaan - The All-Merciful

[02] اَلرَّحْمَانُ (Ar-Rahmaan): The All Merciful

[Download resources here]

Sing 99 Names (5min)
Play PowerPoint of the first 33 names, 2-3 times, for children to join in singing along to. Everyone stands up and joins in action for Ar-Rahmaan: hands crossed over chest to hug your own arms.

Today’s focus is on the name Ar-Rahmaan.

Story relating to today's name (10min)
Use puppets/soft toys to act out as a play:
“Once upon a time there was a little mouse who loved to play games. He was playing in the jungle one day when he saw a sleeping lion. ‘I know!’ thought the mouse, ‘I can have fun by tickling that lion so he wakes up, then I’ll run away quickly before he can catch me!’ The little mouse crept sneakily towards the lion and scampered naughtily all over the lion’s back, tickling him with his toes and his tail. Just as the mouse was about to jump down… suddenly the lion rolled over and caught the mouse between his big paws! ‘You cheeky little mouse!’ he roared, ‘Since you woke me up, I’m going to EAT you up!’ ‘Oh no!’ cried the mouse, ‘Please have mercy on me! Don’t eat me! If you let me go then maybe one day I can help you out too!’ The lion laughed loudly, ‘How could a teeny tiny mouse ever help a big strong lion like me? But you made me laugh so I will be merciful and let you go.’ So the lion opened his paws and the mouse ran away into the jungle. A few days later, the mouse heard the lion roaring, ‘Help me! Help me!’ Quickly, the mouse ran towards the sound and saw the lion had been caught in a hunter’s net! ‘I didn’t like how you made fun of me before, but don’t worry,’ said the mouse to the lion. ‘Just as you showed me mercy and let me go, I will have mercy on you.’ And the little mouse gnawed at the ropes until the lion was free.”

What do you think mercy is? Being kind to someone who needs help. Was the lion right to be angry at the mouse? Yes, but he still let the mouse go. Did the mouse have to help the lion? No, but he chose to be kind and not ignore him, even though he didn’t like being made fun of.

Discuss meaning, apply to children's lives (10min)
Ar-Rahmaan means The All Merciful. Allah is kind and merciful to everyone and everything – people, plants and animals – more than anyone or anything you can think of in the whole world! Who do you know who is kind and helpful? E.g. parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, police, shopkeepers.

Stick up key points (from the resources, e.g. mounted on card) as you discuss:
Allah has so much compassion, He is merciful to us whether we deserve it or not. Imagine you were on the swing and you told your brother/sister not to come in front in case they get hit, but they were being silly and jumped in front anyway, you kicked them by accident and your mum got cross at you for kicking them – would you still feel like hugging them and seeing if they were ok? Was it their own fault they got hurt? Even if we make a mistake and do something naughty, Allah will always be merciful to us. Allah’s mercy never runs out.

Allah’s mercy is so perfect, He helps us without expecting anything in return. Do you know how sometimes you get a nice warm feeling from helping other people? How being kind to someone else can make you feel happy too? Or how you might help your mum tidy up because you know you’ll get a big hug for doing it? Allah is kind and helps us simply because he’s the All Merciful and He’s doing it just for us, not for Himself at all.

Craft activity (20min)
Paint the heart and sprinkle glitter over the wet paint. Leave to dry while colouring in the world and Allah’s name & meaning. Cut out “Ar-Rahmaan” & “The All Merciful” and glue next to the heart. Cut the world out and glue on top of the heart.
Explain this will become page 1 in our book of Allah’s names to keep in the folder they made the front cover for last time.

When to use this name (10min)
When might we use this name to talk to Allah? When we want Allah to be merciful to us/we want someone to show us kindness when we make a mistake or need help.

Allah loves it when we show mercy to others too. The more we’re merciful to others, the more mercy Allah will show to us! Can you think of a time you’ve shown someone (or something! Maybe an insect/animal?) mercy, or something you could do in the future?

What does the name Ar-Rahmaan make you feel about Allah? Help the children to write this on the back of the page, along with any other thoughts they may have.

Sticker chart (5min)
Ask individually: Which of Allah’s names did we learn today? What does it mean? Give children a sticker each for their chart.

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