Saturday 21 October 2017

What's the Story's Ending?

Like most 4 year olds, the girls have been having stories read to them for years so they're well aware of what a story is. I explained to them that all stories have the same 3 parts to them: a beginning, a middle and an ending.

For some reason I thought the ending was the easiest to explain, so we started by exploring those. 😂

Together, we picked out 4 books from their book box. They chose Tappity-Tap! What Was That?, The Star of the Zoo, Where's Spot? and Squirrel's Autumn Search. These are all books they had read often and so were familiar with.

I wrote the title at the top of an A4 piece of paper and split each side in half. Then the girls wrote the title of the first book at the top (handwriting practise and a copying exercise!)

Since the books were all so short I decided to read the book, discuss what they thought the ending was, help them write the ending's summary on their paper, then repeat the process with the next book. For the first two, they took turns to dictate to me what they wanted to write. For the last two, I wrote the title and they had to summarise the ending themselves (with help, of course!). I decided to let them try spelling everything themselves, then read through their work with them and showed them the correct spelling - with praise for trying even if they didn't quite get it right! Finally, they had the option to draw a picture at the bottom. They got bored after the first two so I didn't force them to draw pictures for the final two. 😛

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