Saturday 7 April 2018

Juz 30 / 'Amma - Poster

A simple homemade poster to keep track of hifz progress. 💖

I printed out the list of surahs in the juz and some pictures (clipart from online) to represent some of the basic meanings:

86. At-Taariq: a star
90. Al-Balad: a city
91: Ash-Shams: the sun
92. Al-Layl: a night sky
95. At-Teen: figs
100. Al-'Aadiyat: a horse running
103. Al-'Asr: a clock
105. Al-Feel: an elephant
113. Al-Falaq: a sunrise

We read through the list together, looking at the Arabic spellings to help with pronunciation, and we talked about what the pictures were of and why I chose them - some of them they could match with surah names themselves since they knew the Arabic words, i.e. sun, night, fig, elephant. The rest, they told me what the picture showed and I told them which surah it went with.

I trimmed the list and stuck it onto a coloured A3 sheet of paper. Then we glued the pictures around the edge and decorated with some stickers.

As they were able to read each surah we coloured it in on the list, with them choosing which colour to use each time. Since the surahs at the end of the Quran are short, it was a nice visual for them to see the colours fill up quite quickly as we started; by the time we got to the longer surahs, they had a good portion of the chart coloured and looked forward to colouring the next one in. 😊

You can download our template here(I didn't notice the Arabic text had gone funny until after I'd printed it - some of the letters at the ends of the words aren't joined properly in the picture above; goes to show how basic my Arabic was at that point! But it's all been fixed in the download link.)

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