Wednesday 9 May 2018

The Day of Judgement

For our 5th article of faith, we looked at the belief in the Day of Judgement.

At this age, I don't want to go into too many details as I want to focus more on the positives of faith - i.e. jannah, Allah's love and forgiveness - as opposed to potentially scaring them with the punishment of the fire.

We began by recapping previous discussions on the Day of Judgement with me simply asking them what they already knew. Because of their hifz studies, and our method of becoming familiar with the surahs by watching YouTube videos which have the English translation, they were already aware of some of the basic points since reading the translations had led to them asking questions. Their understanding was that the angel Israfeel (which they remembered from last time!) would blow the trumpet, everything would break and all the people would die, then Allah would wake everyone up, look at their book of good deeds and bad deeds, and decide if they would go to the fire if they had more bad things or to jannah if they had done more good things. I then just filled in the gap by telling them about everyone waiting all together for a very long time and that it would be a very hot day.

We also talked about some surahs they're familiar with wherein the Day of Judgement is mentioned, (e.g. Al-Qariah, Al-Zalzalah) and talked a little about their meanings and descriptions of that day.

Finally, I gave them the pictured worksheet to complete in their own words (and colour in as an optional extra once finished).

You can download our worksheet here.

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