Wednesday 13 March 2019

Prophet Musa (AS) - 2 - The burning bush

We read the next part of the story of Musa (AS) from book 1 of the Safar series, this time focusing on the time when Musa (AS) became a prophet. The lessons I wanted to bring out from this were 1) recapping miracles from Allah and 2) how Allah speaks to us through the Quran.

I asked them if they could remember any other miracles we've talked about to do with other prophets... Alhamdulillah, they could! We spoke a bit about them then did a simple craft together to help them remember this part of the story.

For their craft, they made a collage of a bush on fire. I asked them how they wanted to do the bush and M said to paint it... Then they cut up pieces of cellophane (old sweet wrappers!) and used PVA glue to stick them on top as the fire.

When they were done, we spoke some more about how Allah is able to do anything. Allah spoke to the prophets and sent them signs and miracles. But did he speak to them like we speak to each other? No, it was usually through dreams - but he spoke to Musa (AS) directly. And does Allah speak to us? How can we hear Allah's words? By reading the Quran! And the Quran itself is a miracle too... No one can write anything like it - although this is a little more complicated to understand/appreciate until they're older! I thought it still worth mentioning now. 💕

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