Thursday 21 March 2019

Prophet Musa (AS) - 3 - Escaping from Firaun

Over a couple of days, we read from our books the part of the story where Musa (AS) was chased by Firaun, ending up with Firaun drowning in the sea.

We also watched some of this video (played in background while they were downstairs) and then this Adam & Mishmish video to inspire the girls' imagination before their craft, so they could think what the Red Sea at the time might have been like and which kinds of fish they could draw in the water.

For our craft, we made another simple folding pop-up using blue paper, yellow paper, cutting/sticking drawings of fish from scrap paper and using glitter pens for the waves of the sea:

We talked about how Firaun only called out to Allah right at the end as he was drowning - but it was only out of fear and it was too late. The lesson I wanted them to learn was to follow the right path before it's too late - don't get distracted by what's easy or what might look like more fun. And to talk to Allah during good times too, thanking Him for His blessings, not only when times are bad and you need to ask for help.

We also went to Brueton Park, as we've not been before and I've heard good things about it, as a place for them to stand in front of a large body of water... Since we're a little too far from the coast! So they could appreciate a little the feelings of despair Musa (AS) and his people must have felt, knowing they were being chased and with no way across, and then awe from seeing the water part before them.

While we were in the park, we recapped the previous part of the story where Prophet Musa first went to Firaun and the magicians threw down sticks to look like snakes... We found some sticks and I asked the girls to try and arrange them to look like a snake... It wasn't easy! And it definitely didn't look real! But when Allah commanded Musa (AS) to throw down his staff, what happened? It was a miracle and it really did turn into a snake! No wonder the magicians believed in the message, because even though their sticks looked like real snakes (enough to frighten Prophet Musa), they knew they didn't have the power to make them come alive. Only Allah has the power to give life to things.

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