Tuesday 18 September 2018

How long is a day?

Yr1 NC Science target: Observe and describe how day length varies

I decided to have the girls look outside at the same time every morning and evening for a couple of weeks, so they could see if the sky always looks the same - either day or night or in between - or if it changes as time passes... With the time of year being as it is, 7am and 7pm fit in perfectly as sunrise and sunset are both due to cross over the 7 o' clock mark over the next couple of weeks. This will not only let them see the daytime span shorten for themselves, but it reinforces their ability to tell the time and teaches them diligence in remembering to keep their record twice daily! They're waking up themselves around 6:30am and their bedtime is just after 7pm, so the timings work out well for us too - to do it last thing before bed and leave it out ready to fill in in the morning.

After explaining to them what the investigation was going to be, we used our Science wall display to help write a prediction. First, with some prompting, they told me all the information they already knew. Then they used this to predict what they thought would happen. Even though Twin 2's response was a lot wordier lol, they both thought the same thing - that the day length is related to the temperature! So once we have our results, this will lead on nicely to looking at seasonal changes in terms of the Earth's orbit and how we get day and night in the first place, insha'Allah. 😂

You can download our worksheet here.

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