Friday 14 September 2018

Seasons-Weather Match

Our next Science topic is Seasonal Changes. They've covered many of the NC targets for Year 1 naturally just through everyday conversations, so now it's just a case of filling in the gaps.

Today's target was to "observe and describe weather associated with the seasons."

I began by simply asking the twins how many different types of weather they could think of and wrote these on the whiteboard as they said them. Next, I gave them each a sheet of paper with pictures (found from Google) to represent 9 different weather patterns on it:

I asked them which weathers on the sheet were missing from our list and gave them clues for the ones they struggled with - namely the middle one and the last two! The pictures show: sunny, raining, snowing, windy, overcast, cloudy, stormy, fog, hailing. So by the end we had all 9 words on the whiteboard. They didn't know what hail was at all, so we found some videos on YouTube to watch before continuing. The others they'd either experienced or read about in books (they remembered this Biff & Chip book from last year!).

Next, I gave them a template so they could match the weather to the season they think it happens in the most, e.g. it can be sunny all year round, but which season do they think has the most days of sunny weather? Summer! And sometimes it can snow in Spring, but which season has the most snow? Winter! So they glued the pictures in the boxes, explaining to me why they thought they went where... e.g. I told them storms are made when there's hot air so they decided to match stormy to Summer, and I told them fog is cold air so they matched it to Winter... Windy they put in Autumn because it made them think of leaves blowing around and the leaves fall off the trees in Autumn!

We also took this opportunity to revise some of the Arabic we've learnt, i.e. the season names which are on the worksheet and weather patterns which we did verbally ("the weather is good/hot/sunny/cold", "rain", "snow", "wind", "I feel hot/cold") ***EDIT TO ADD ARABIC TEXT***

You can download our worksheet here.

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