Thursday 6 September 2018

Morning Activity (Arabic reading/understanding)

We've not done as much work from the Madinah book as we should have over the past few months; I'd become complacent since joining an Arabic speaking club... 😅 So when I finally decided to pull it out the other day, I was disappointed to see the girls had forgotten some of the things they'd previously been confident in when we covered them! And we've not done nearly enough reading practise as we should have been either, so they've become a little slower in that too. 😩

It's hard finding the time at the moment with a newborn to tend to! So I've come up with simply putting something on the whiteboard each morning for them to work on while I get breakfast ready or feed and change the baby. Once they've answered the question, we can eat breakfast... A little motivation to keep their attention. 😂

Some examples... We started off by having to match the sentence to the correct picture. I chose vocabulary which they seemed to have forgotten as a way of revision - so they would use the pictures as prompts to help their reading and the sentences helped them remember old vocab. 

After a few days of those, so they got used to the idea and routine of it, I changed the question slightly... So a longer sentence (actually two: a question and answer) and they had to say which image illustrated it correctly.

So this helps revise old grammar points too.

I write the task on the board after they've gone to bed, so the first time they see it is in the morning. It's working well for us so far as I've already seen their reading improve - whereas before I struggled to find time to fit in focused Arabic reading on a daily basis, this is a nice top up for those days when we really don't have time. It's also been good for their teamwork skills as they can discuss what they think and fill in the gaps where the other struggles. Between them they've always managed to work it out, while I'm sure they wouldn't have been able to alone! 💕 My messy handwriting also doesn't help, so being able to decipher it is a skill in itself too. 😂


Some more examples as we've continued:

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